來往廣場的單車 Cycling to the square
Information by Jaspar Lau
Video by Anlou Lou
今天,六四仍未得到平反,而作為中國本土上唯一能公開悼念六四的香港,又已否淡忘一些曾經懇切追求的價值?我們期望在是年的六月四日,在這城市重現二十 一年前自行車來往廣場的畫面,想象當年學生往返廣場的心情。我們從油麻地出發,途經數個與六四相關的地方,及至維多利亞公園參與當晚的六四燭光晚會。
今天,六四仍未得到平反,而作為中國本土上唯一能公開悼念六四的香港,又已否淡忘一些曾經懇切追求的價值?我們期望在是年的六月四日,在這城市重現二十 一年前自行車來往廣場的畫面,想象當年學生往返廣場的心情。我們從油麻地出發,途經數個與六四相關的地方,及至維多利亞公園參與當晚的六四燭光晚會。
In 1989, students taking part in the Beijing Tian’anmen Democratic Movement weaved in and out the Tian’anmen Square with their bicycles to communicate with each other. In the same year, journalists working in Beijing hosted a bicycle petition to fight for freedom of the press. At the midnight on June 4th, tanks drove into the city and ran over civilians as well as bicycles.
The June 4th Movement is not yet vindicated. Hong Kong is the only place in the territory where people can publicly commemorate the event. However, are Hong Kong people losing their momentum for the pursuit of the values they strived for faithfully in the past? We would like to restore the same scene in Hong Kong on June 4th this year, and imagine we were the students who weaved in and out the square. On the day, we will start from Yau Ma Tei and will visit a few checkpoints related to the local history of the Incident. Our final destination will be the June 4th candlelight vigil at the Victoria Park.
Walk in groups, when we’re still young
日 期 : 2010年6月4日
時 間 : 傍晚5時
集合地點 : 九龍上海街活化廳
Date: 4th June, 2010
Time: 5:00 pm
Venue: Wooferten, Shanghai Street, Kowloon
Dress code: reminiscent of those of the students in the 89’Movement
路線 :
由油麻地經尖沙咀文化中心向「自由戰士」雕塑獻花,然後乘船渡海,再從灣仔往維園 (當晚香港支聯會六四悼念集會場地) 為終點
We started our voyage from Yau Ma Tei. Then we presented flowers to the sculpture of “The Fighter of Liberty”. Then we cross the harbour and reached Wan Chai. Finally, we arrived at the Victoria Park, the venue for the Hong Kong candlelight vigil commemorating June 4th.
油麻地 碧街
Yau Ma Tei
7th June Riot in 1989
At around 1am on 7th June 1989, a parade of cars demonstrated along Yau Ma Tei Street. A disturbance was elicited. The chaos spread quickly, with people throwing stuffs at each other, setting fire to paraphernalia and destroying public properties. The police react vigorously and struck the crowd with 49 tear bombs to disperse the people. 15 “rioters” were arrested. The overnight chaos prompted the Hong Kong Alliance to cancel the public commemoration activities planned for the day. The identities and the motives of the rioters were left as a mystery.
這雕塑是由法國著名藝術家凱撤 ( Cesar ) 贈予香港市政局,一直於尖沙咀文化中心外擺放。據悉,雕像是為六四而作,原名<自由戰士>,市政局為淡化其政治意味而易名為<翱翔的法國人>,凱撤因而拒絕來港出席揭幕禮。多年來,一些香港藝術家都呼籲市民於六月四日,自行到此雕塑下獻花悼念六四死難者 。
The Cultural Centre Plaza, Tsim Sha Tsui
‘The Fighter of Liberty’
The sculpture is a work made for Hong Kong by the renowned French artist Cesar. It was a gift to the Hong Kong Urban Council and was erected at the plaza outside the Cultural Centre. It was claimed that the sculpture, originally entitled ‘The Fighter of Liberty’ was done in commemoration of the June 4th Incident. The Urban Council renamed it as “The Soaring French” in order to drain its political connotations. Consequently, the artist Cesar refused to attend the opening ceremony. Over the past years, some Hong Kong artists have been calling on people to present flower bouquets at the sculpture on June 4th annually to commemorate the martyrs.
灣仔 藝術中心
Art Centre, Wan Chai
“Mantle” by Sui Jian Guo, a Contemporary Chinese artist.
Szeto Wah (a leader of the democratic movement in HK) has interpreted this sculpture, a decapitated half-length sculpture in traditional Chinese costume, as a resemblance of the statues of Lenin and Stalin destroyed after the breakdown of the Soviet Union. “Mantle” could be regarded as a celebration to the fall of a tyranny or as a monument marking the establishment of a democratic China.
六四悼念 集會
Victoria Park
June 4th commemoration candlelight vigil
A crucial site for local social movements and assemblies over the past years


Up: Student in Tian'anmen Square, Beijing,1989
Down: Participant in Shanghai Street, HK, 2010
Left: Image of the strike for freedom of Press by the Journalists in Beijing, in 1989
Right: News report of Apple daily, 5th June 2010
Installation view of the documentary of th project in Busan,Korea
Installation view of the the project in the display window of wooferten