李俊峰,1984年生於香港。2007年畢業於中文大學藝術系。現從事創作,教育及展覽策劃工作。他過去曾策劃《香港建築傷憐展》(2008) 及《風雨飄搖愛國時》年青藝術家六四展(2009)。他現為上海街社區實驗藝術中心<活化廳>成員。另外,他亦是社區電台的藝評節目<後浪>的主持,以公民抗命的心關心香港藝術發展。
Lee Chun-fung was born in Hong Kong in 1984. He is an artist and independent curator. He graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s Fine Arts Department in 2007. He has curated several political art projects such as (2008) and (2009) . He is also one of the founding members of an experimental community art space: Woofer Ten, and he hosts an art critique programme in the community radio station FM101. He, with a heart of civil disobedience, concerns himself with the development of local art.